Stages to remixing a resource

There are three stages to remixing a resource Write, Describe, and Submit.

Describe your remixed resource

Once you have created your remixed resource, you are ready to give it a description. Describing your resource helps others easily find it in eMedia. The metadata from the original resource will be pre-populated in the describe step. You will want to update it as needed. 

  1. Describe what changes you made to the resource in the Abstract field.
  2. Select the General Subjects to which the resource is applicable. You may choose more than one.
  3. Select the Primary User.
  4. Select an Educational Use. You may choose more than one.
  5. Select Level, Language, and Material Type.
  6. Add Learning goals for the resource you have created.
  7. Enter Keywords. Note: Hit Enter after each keyword. 
  8. Select Educational Standards and follow the dropdown prompts.
  9. Click the Next Steps: Submit button